Daniller Insights and Presentations

Daniller + Company was delighted to present at the 2023 American Museum Membership Conference (AMMC) in Houston, sharing our insights and expertise with membership professionals from across the country.

AMMC Benchmarking Presentation

For any membership program, one question always comes up when reviewing campaign results—how does this compare? In this data-driven presentation, we provide key benchmarks for acquisition, renewal, and annual fund campaigns for visitor-based organizations of all sizes from across the U.S. These data points provide a clear picture of how overall trends impact fundraising results—from the pandemic, global conflicts, contentious elections, and the weaker 2022 fundraising environment. Arm yourself with the data you need to track progress, understand how your organization’s performance stacks up, and reach even greater success.


Savvy Ways to Maximize Member Retention Presentation

Renewals generate the most income of any component of your membership program, yet are often on autopilot for busy membership managers. Learn how to review, refresh, and revitalize your membership program and improve the bottom line. Includes case studies of successful membership program reboots.